Communicating Effectively: How to Inspire and Convince (TU Delft ; EdX platform)

Découvrez comment obtenir le soutien de la direction et motiver vos équipes en apprenant à communiquer de manière efficace et stratégique.

In order to be effective, leaders need a high tolerance of complexity. Beyond this, they need to inform their people and the outside world of their strategies, policies and decisions. Effective leaders are often inspiring communicators - their own high tolerance of complexity helps them reduce this complexity to a concise and powerful message. 

Your sensemaking mindset is therefore of critical importance to motivate others to follow and support you. Your ability to inspire and convince is largely dependent on the way you frame your message, and on your skills at playing the game of framing and reframing. You will learn from a large variety of (video) cases and analyse a large number of situations where leaders’ communication and sensemaking skills are tested and probed. This will ensure that you are equipped to build winning coalitions in your own organization. 

Découvrez ce cours ici.


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